M.A. Natascha Hetzel

Natascha Hetzel is a research assistant at the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Hohenheim since May 2021. Her research interests are conspiracy theories and disinformation, with a particular focus on factors associated with conspiracy beliefs as well as the portrayal of conspiracy theories and their adherents in journalistic media.

Natascha Hetzel completed her Master's degree in Communication Management and Analysis at the University of Hohenheim. She also studied at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto as part of a semester abroad.



Fg. Kommunikationswissenschaft, insbesondere interaktive Medien- und Onlinekommunikation (540G) [Wiss. Mitarbeiterin]
Tel: 0711 459-24476
Fruwirthstr. 46, Kavaliershaus 3, 015


Publications & Presentations

Hetzel, N., Klawier, T., Prochazka, F. & Schweiger, W. (2023). Wer glaubt an Verschwörungstheorien über Covid-19? [Präsentation]. 2. Wissenschaftskonferenz des Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz, Berlin, 5.–6. September 2023.

Schrimpf, T., & Hetzel, N. (2023, 9.-13. Juli). Only a personal thing? The Role of Individual Factors and Media System Characteristics on Conspiracy Mentality [Präsentation]. IAMCR / OCP 23, Lyon.

Hetzel, N., Klawier, T., Prochazka, F. & Schweiger, S. (2022). How do COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, exposure to alternative sources and social media correlate in Germany?. Studies in Communication and Media, 11(4). doi.org/10.5771/2192-4007-2022-4-508

Hetzel, N., Schrimpf, T., Dreher, V., & Schäwel, J. (2022, 26.-30. Mai). Let me educate you! An experimental online survey on the entertaining nature and format of knowledge communication [Präsentation]. International Communication Association 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, Frankreich.