Lisa Curdes M.A.

Lisa Curdes is a research associate at the Institute for Communication Studies at the University of Hohenheim. She works on the influence of communication on opinions and attitudes in society, focusing primarily on sustainability and equality issues.
Lisa Curdes completed her Bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bremen and her Master's degree in Communication Management and Analysis at the University of Hohenheim. She also spent a semester abroad at the University of Malta.
Fg. Kommunikationswissenschaft, insbesondere interaktive Medien- und Onlinekommunikation (540G) [Wiss. Mitarbeiterin]
Tel: 0711 459-24478
Fruwirthstr. 46, Kavaliershaus 3, 016
Office hours: by appointment
Publications & Presentations
Curdes, L. & Schweiger, W. (2024). Still a man’s world? Investigating the impact of expert gender on their perceived competence in technology communication. Studies in Communication And Media, 13(3), 292–316.
Curdes, L. (2024). Sharing a green world? The role of nature in influencer content [Präsentation]. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, 24.-27. September 2024.
Klawier, T., Hetzel, N., Curdes, L., Schweiger, W. (2024). News exposure on social media platforms and the illusion of knowing [Präsentation]. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, 24.-27. September 2024.
Hetzel, N., Klawier, T., Curdes, L., Schweiger, W. (2024). The illusion of knowing and possible consequences for democracies [Präsentation]. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, 13.-15. März 2024.