M.A. Lisa Curdes

Lisa Curdes is a research associate at the Institute for Communication Studies at the University of Hohenheim. She works on the influence of communication on opinions and attitudes in society, focusing primarily on sustainability and equality issues.

Lisa Curdes completed her Bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bremen and her Master's degree in Communication Management and Analysis at the University of Hohenheim. She also spent a semester abroad at the University of Malta.




Fg. Kommunikationswissenschaft, insbesondere interaktive Medien- und Onlinekommunikation (540G) [Wiss. Mitarbeiterin]
Tel: 0711 459-24474
E-Mail: lisa.curdes@uni-hohenheim.de
Fruwirthstr. 46, Kavaliershaus 3, 014

Office hours: by appointment