M.A. Matthias Kast

Matthias Kast has been a research assistant at the Institute of Communication Science at the University of Hohenheim since January 2024. He is doing his doctorate in the research project "Communication to the power of 2". By developing support services for professional journalism and journalistic media, the project aims to improve public communication between agriculture and environmental protection.

Matthias Kast completed his bachelor's degree in communication and political science at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. After a semester studying Media and Communication at the University of Passau, he returned to Bamberg and completed his Master's degree in Communication Science there in the summer of 2023.



Fg. Kommunikationswissenschaft, insbesondere interaktive Medien- und Onlinekommunikation (540G) [Wiss. Mitarbeiter]
Tel: 0711 459-24473
Fruwirthstr. 46, Kavaliershaus 3, 013

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail


Publications & Presentations


Kast, M. (2021). „Heute keine Sitzung wegen zu teuren Bieres!“. Die Analyse des Bamberger Bierkriegs von 1907 als Thema der Öffentlichkeit (Reihe Bamberger Beiträge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft, Band 14). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. doi.org/10.20378/irb-50163

Kast, M. (2024 i.E.). Protestplätze, Partizipationsräume, Parallelwelten. Wissenschaftliche Betrachtung und aktuelle Bewertung von Alternativmedien (Reihe Bamberger Beiträge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft, Band 20). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.