Sieben Fachgebiets-Beiträge bei nationaler und internationaler Jahrestagung 2014  [10.06.14]

Die Tagungs-Saison im Frühsommer ist vorbei, und unser Fachgebiet war mit einer Reihe von Beiträgen an der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft in Passau und der Jahreskonferenz der International Communication Association in Seattle beteiligt.
  • Festl, R., Scharkow, M., & Quandt, T. (2014, May). The individual or the class: a multilevel analysis of cyberbullying behavior in school context. Paper presented at the Convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle/USA, May 22-26.
  • Kowert, R., Vogelgesang, J., Festl, R., & Quandt, T. (2014, May). Psychosocial causes and consequences of increased online video game engagement. Paper presented at the Game-Studies Preconference at the Convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle/USA, May 22-26.
  • Kühne, R., Weber, P., & Sommer, K. (2014, May). Beyond cognitive framing processes. Anger mediates the effects of responsibility frames on the preference for punitive measures. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle/USA, May 22-26.
  • Scharkow, M., Festl, R., & Quandt, T. (2014, May). Longitudinal patterns of problematic computer game use among adolescents and adults: a 2-year panel study. Paper presented at the Convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle/USA, May 22-26.
  • Schieb, C., Kröger, S., & Quandt, T. (2014, May). Manager identity in the game industry. Paper presented at the Convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle/USA, May 22-26.
  • Steffens, T. & von Pape, T. (2014, May). "Divided by what we share? A cultural capital perspective on exclusion in the social web. Paper presented on the preconference "Communication and 'The Good Life' Around the World After Two Decades of the Digital Divide", annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle/USA, May 22.
  • Weber, P., & Engelmann, I. (2014, Mai). Der Nachrichtenwert von Nachrichtenfaktoren im redaktionsgebundenen Online-Journalismus. Vortrag auf der 59. Jahrestagung der DGPuK, Passau/Deutschland, 28.-30.05.2014.



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